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Dec. 1941 extermination camps operational < 3 1/2 years > extermination camps liberated May 1945 |
Anti-semitism is common worldwide. Is there any other nationality that has been the object of such hostility and disdain everywhere? The Irish have experienced similar treatment at the hands of the English, but the Irish are not looked down upon elsewhere. Koreans have been slighted in Japan, but don't face similar prejudice elsewhere. Blacks have been discriminated against in the American South, but are not universally scorned worldwide. Yet the Jews have faced pogroms in Russia, expulsion from Spain, from ancient Rome and from many other nations, discrimination in America, persecution in Europe, as well as universal hostility worldwide. Is that simply a coincidence? Or, is it a fulfillment of Bible prophecy? Scripture says: "I will pursue them with the sword, famine and plague and will make them abhorrent to all the kingdoms of the earth and an object of cursing and horror, of scorn and reproach, among all the nations where I drive them." Jer. 29:18 NIV "And you will be a horror, a byword, and a jeer among all the peoples to which Jehovah will drive you." Deut. 28:37 Byington As punishment for disregarding God, the Jews faced a great Tribulation lasting many centuries. That Tribulation climaxed in the Holocaust. Is there a lesson in this for the rest of us? The Apostle Paul wrote concerning "the severity of God" in punishing his Chosen People. (Rom. 11:20-22) Scripture also foretells that he will soon redeem them and punish those who mistreated them, bringing judgment against the rest of mankind. Now is the time to repent. See UNvsIL.com |
"But it shall come about, if you do not obey the LORD your God...the LORD will scatter you among all peoples, from one end of the earth to the other end of the earth" Deut. 28:15, 64 NASB If they kept his covenant, God's Chosen People would be the most blessed nation on the planet, but if they failed to obey...[MORE] |
The prophet Daniel was shown visions of "the distant future" (Dan. 8:26), "what will happen to your people [the Jews] in the future" (Dan. 10:14) The Muslim KORAN and the Christian NEW TESTAMENT acknowledge the role of the Jews, but modern substitution theology has caused many Christians to miss...[MORE] |
"And you will be a horror, a byword, and a jeer among all the peoples to which Jehovah will drive you." - Deut. 28:37 Byington |
"For then shall be great tribulation" - Matt. 24:21 "great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people
led away captive into all nations" - Luke 21:23-24 KJV Parallel passages show Jesus referred, not to an end-times Tribulation presided over by an Antichrist, but to a centuries-long Tribulation on the Jewish...[MORE] |
"God's people will be helpless in his hands for three and a half years" - Dan. 7:25 Living Bible Daniel describes the Third Reich as "more brutal than the other ten" off-shoots of the Roman Empire, and foretells the Holocaust...[MORE] |